Pick up bitter herbs

Bitter herbs have been prized for centuries by ancient medicinal modalities for their ability to stop common gut and digestive issues in their tracks. From bloating and gas to healthy elimination, bitter roots are some of the best herbs to pick up when looking to bring balance to the gut microbiome and digestive tract.

These herbs have been forgotten in modern Western diets and, in turn, have caused many people to experience ongoing digestive issues that just won’t seem to go away. With herbal medicine making a comeback in many societies, now is the perfect time to reintegrate bitter herbs back into our diets and let them work their magic on our wellbeing.

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Herbal ingredients to help

Bring you back to balance

Each herb in our formulas is backed by centuries of tradition and affirmed by modern science. Our in-house Clinical Herbalists choose some of the best herbs nature has to offer to deliver powerful wellbeing—from the inside and out.

Artichoke Leaf

Artichoke Leaf

The heart of the artichoke is commonly consumed as a dinner food, but the leaves have been used for centuries in the Mediterranean region as a liver protectant, digestive aid, and support for troubled bowels.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion Root

A common backyard weed, bitter dandelion root has been prized as a mild laxative and support to help reduce irritation in the digestive tract and promote good bacteria in the gut microbiome.

Burdock Root

Burdock Root

Traditionally taken as a detoxification aid, burdock root promotes healthy elimination via the bowels, skin, and blood while nourishing the gut microbiome and supporting liver detoxification.



A popular ingredient in bitter tinctures since the 1880’s, the flesh and peels of oranges are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants which help improve gut flora diversity and support immunity.

Calendula Flower

Calendula Flowers

Popularly known as marigold, calendula is an astringent herb used traditionally and in modern medicine to help ease feelings of inflammation linked to gas and bloating.

Coriander Seeds

Coriander Seeds

A popular spice known around the world, coriander seeds have antimicrobial and carminative properties that help rid the body of excess gas and bloating while promoting optimal liver detoxification.

Kick out the funk & invite in ease

Not sure if bitters are right for you? Now’s the time to take the leap. Never Been Bitter™ is the gut and digestive support you’ve been looking for. With ancient herbs affirmed by modern science and formulated by Clinical Herbalists, this herbal tonic delivers immediate support for common gut disturbances while promoting powerful long-term digestive and live wellbeing with continued use. Nourish your gut, and the rest will follow.

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