There’s a point in a woman’s life when her body…changes. Whether she’s in perimenopause (right before menopause begins), postmenopause (at the end of menopause), or in the thick of it, we can agree that menopause can be a difficult journey. Maybe you are feeling a lack of support or hot flashes are running your life, whatever it is, Hormone Harmonizer™’s got your back. Throughout this article, we will learn more about menopause and why it causes so many changes to our bodies, plus herbs that can support the body, and lifestyle factors that can impact you this season.
What is Menopause
Menopause marks the point in a woman’s life when she is 12 months past her last period. This transition often happens between the ages of 45-55 and can last between 7-14 years.
This transition period is often what brings about symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, stubborn weight (usually in the tummy area), sleep issues, and more. When the body is preparing to enter the menopausal stage, it begins producing less estrogen and progesterone, two critical hormones. Lower levels of these hormones are what cause symptoms commonly associated with menopause. The menstrual cycle becomes less frequent, until eventually, it stops altogether.
Symptoms can greatly vary from woman to woman and depend greatly on her lifestyle factors. Studies show that limiting alcohol intake, reducing smoking, and engaging in a healthy amount of cardiovascular and strength training exercises can greatly contribute to the body’s response to menopause. Next, we will look at some helpful herbs, particularly those found in our hormone support formula, Hormone Harmonizer™, and how they can support your body during this season.
Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii)
Maca is a Peruvian root that grows in the Andes mountains. This medicinal root is rich in minerals (calcium, copper, potassium, etc.), vitamins, and proteins. These nutrients and phytochemicals are what give maca its energizing effects as well as its libido-increasing benefits for both men and women. In terms of maca’s use during menopause, the root has been shown to support a reduction in hot flashes, less brain fog, more energy, and even fewer headaches. Maca helps manage these issues by limiting estrogen production. It also contains flavonoids (compounds in plants that contain antioxidants) that help ease feelings of brain fog that can be commonly associated with menopause.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
Shatavari has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine. In Ayurveda, shatavari is nicknamed “100 spouses” as it is said to promote healthy libido and fertility. Shatavari can be a helpful herb during menopause because of its phytoestrogen compounds. Phytoestrogens are chemicals in plants that can mimic hormones, although they are weaker than natural estrogen. These plant compounds can still work to help limit hot flashes experienced during menopause. Shatavari also has demulcent properties. Demulcents (which include marshmallow root, slippery elm, and aloe) are rich in mucilage, or a mucus-like substance that can coat mucous membranes throughout the body and promote smoother moves in the reproductive health departments as shatavari can possibly support vaginal dryness associated with menopause.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Ashwagandha is a well-known adaptogenic herb, known for its stress-soothing benefits. Ashwagandha has an effect on the HPA axis. In short, it can help the body adapt or respond to life’s everyday stressors with ease and focus. This can be helpful during menopause because, let's be honest, going through all those hormonal changes can definitely be stressful. During menopause, estrogen runs low, and, therefore, cortisol levels increase, which can impact a myriad of bodily functions. Ashwagandha can help support lowering cortisol levels, keeping you calm, cool, and collected.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
A well-known carminative and inflammatory-support herb, ginger can be a great support throughout menopause. Often times, menopause can impact your gut and digestive system. As previously mentioned, menopause can often raise cortisol levels which can raise blood sugar, often slowing digestion. This slowing down of digestion can often result in constipation, bloating, indigestion, and more. Ginger can help support digestive disturbances through its warming carminative action.
Menopause can come with a lot of changes that can feel hard to deal with. From hot flashes to mood swings to hormonal and reproductive changes. The good news is, the herbs mentioned above are here to support you along your journey. All of the herbs in this article can be found in our hormone, libido, and energy support formula, Hormone Harmonizer™. Give that formula a try and let us know how it supports your menopause journey.