Featured Product
You Dew You®
You Dew You®
Skin Support

Let’s make ice cream but with skin-restoring benefits.

We tried out the viral cottage cheese ice cream trend and added You Dew You™—and it did not disappoint!

The herbs in You Dew You® have natural antibacterial and antioxidant properties that help address common skin woes and make way for a more balanced complexion.

- 1 tbsp You Dew You®
- whole fat cottage cheese (16oz)
- handful of strawberries
- 1/4 cup of maple syrup
- handful of graham crackers

To Make:
1. Put You Dew You®, cottage cheese, maple syrup, and a handful of strawberries in a bowl (or food processor) and blend with an immersion blender.
2. Once everything is creamy, toss in the remaining strawberries and graham crackers and fold them in.
3. Pour into a freeze-safe container and pop in the freezer.
4. Take out a few hours later and enjoy!

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Written by Apothékary Team