What’s Included

Rosé-Tinted Glasses™

For your daytime buzz without the booze, try Rosé-Tinted Glasses™. This new rosé-inspired herbal tincture contains potent and uplifting herbal ingredients that boost the mood, increase mental clarity and energy, while nourishing the skin. This is the perfect formula to sip on when you’re looking to feel energized, alert, and like the life of the party.

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Take the Edge Off™

When you’re looking to cool your nerves or ease head and muscle tension throughout the day, Take the Edge Off™ is the formula for you. Packed with powerful nervine herbs used for centuries to calm high emotions and ease tension, this white wine-inspired tincture delivers a refreshing, lemony drop of coolness to your mind and body. Take this formula any time of day to feel immediately more relaxed and calmer in the hours ahead.

Stop Your Wine-ing®

For those evenings when you want to kick up your feet and relax, sip on Stop Your Wine-ing®. This red wine-inspired powdered formula is your herbal chill pill in a glass. Packed with antioxidant-rich berries and adaptogens, this potent herbal formula is made to lower your stress levels, promote relaxation, and nourish the body with its abundant heart-healthy polyphenols.

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Drop the wine and feel divine

Elevate your savings – up to $25 off when you subscribe to this set, compared to purchasing each product separately.

Rosé Tinted Glasses POW
$39 Value

Rosé-Tinted Glasses™️

Take the Edge Off POW
$39 Value

Take the Edge Off™️

Stop Your Wine-ing POW
$45 Value

Stop Your Wine-ing®️