image of a cluster of acai berries with condensation droplets

Acai Berry

A popular berry hailing from the Amazon rainforest, acai has paved its path to fame due to its amazing antioxid...

acerola cherry ingredient

Acerola Cherry

Acerola, also known as Barbados cherry, is a cherry-like fruit native to the Americas and the Caribbean. The fr...

Image with a pile of Amla fruits


Also known as Indian Gooseberry, amla is one of the three fruits within the traditional formula triphala. One s...

Image of an Aronia Berry plant

Aronia Berry

Aronia berries are small, dark berries from the same family as roses. Loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols,...

Artichoke Leaf image

Artichoke Leaf

Artichoke heart is a popular food, but the leaves are a potent digestive aid. Bitter-tasting artichoke leaves h...

Ashwagandha roots image


One of the most popular herbs in Ayurveda, ashwagandha also known as “Indian ginseng”, is an adaptogen root tha...

Image of Astragalus


Astragalus is a root that's been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for centuries to help the body rest...

illustration of b12 vitamin


Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient responsible for supporting the central nervous system and promoting health...

Bacopa image


Bacopa leaf and stem have been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine as a potent nootropic. Clinical researc...

bamboo ingredient


Known as a popular house plant and a resilient natural material, bamboo has more to it than decoration. This fa...

barberry root

Barberry Root

Named “nature’s Ozempic”, barberry root has been used for over 3,000 years in Ayurvedic, Iranian, and Chinese t...

Image of a Beetroot


The nutrient-rich leaves and roots of beets are loaded with antioxidants that help the body fight cell damage a...

Bilberry plant


A more nutrient dense cousin to the common blueberry, bilberry is one of the richest sources of anthocyanins on...

Image of a pile of Black Pepper

Black Pepper

A popular spice often found on your dinner table, black pepper has been a medicinal favorite for centuries even...

Image of a Blue Butterfly Pea Flower

Blue Butterfly Pea Flower

Known for its vibrant blue hue from its high antioxidant levels, butterfly pea flowers have traditionally been ...

image of blue vervain plant

Blue Vervain

Blue vervain is a herbaceous plant native to North America that has been used for centuries to help calm body t...

Image of Bovine Collagen powder

Bovine Collagen

Known as a skin plumping holy grail, bovine collagen is an animal product made from the bones, hide, and cartil...

Image with two Burdock Roots

Burdock Root

Burdock root is a liver-supporting herb known to promote lymphatic circulation. Rich in prebiotic fiber, this r...

Calendula Flower image

Calendula Flowers

A bright flower native to the Mediterranean, calendula is commonly used in herbal medicine to support the skin—...

California Poppy plant

California Poppy

Known as the official flower of “The Golden State, California poppy has been traditionally used for pain suppor...

Image of a Camu Camu branch with fruits

Camu Camu

Known as “nature’s vitamin”, camu camu is a nutrient-rich superfood berry found in the Amazon rainforest. Camu ...

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Image of a Cayenne Pepper plant

Cayenne Pepper

An herb first introduced to Europe by Christopher Columbus, cayenne pepper comes from the Greek word “to bite” ...

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Image with a pile of Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon

Spicy and warming Ceylon cinnamon comes from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree. Although it’s similar to the ...

Image of a Chaga Mushroom

Chaga Mushroom

Often referred to as the “mushroom of immortality”, chaga is an antioxidant-rich adaptogenic mushroom known for...

chlorella plant image


Chlorella is a green freshwater algae rich in phytonutrients. These phytonutrients include protein, amino acids...

chlorophyll image powder


Chlorophyll is a vital green pigment found in plants and other photosynthetic organisms. It plays a vital role ...

Chrysanthemum Flowers image

Chrysanthemum Flower

A gentle nervine flower used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to support digestion a...

Clove image


An antioxidant-rich warming spice, clove supports a healthy immune system and helps the body respond to oxidati...

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Image of a coconut

Coconut Milk Powder

A delicious superfood powder made from the flesh of fresh coconuts, coconut milk powder helps to regulate blood...

Cordyceps Mushroom image

Cordyceps Mushroom

A non-psychedelic mushroom with stress-reducing effects, cordyceps are naturally found at the foothills of the ...

Coriander Seeds image

Coriander Seeds

Known as one of the earliest aromatic spices used by humankind, all parts of the coriander plant have played a ...

Dandelion plant image


Dandelion, also known as, lion’s tooth, can be found abundantly in almost every grassy field on the planet. Who...

Elderberry fruits


From North America to North Africa, elderberry has been prized as a potent immunity tonic for centuries. Even t...

Gentian Root plant image

Gentian Root

Named after the ancient king, Gentius, gentian root has been used in traditional European and Eastern herbal tr...

Ginger image


Ginger is potent medicinal root commonly used in tea, food, and as a spice to boost Agni, or digestive fire. Th...

Gymnema leaf

Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre)

Gymnema is a traditional Ayurvedic herb used for centuries for its digestion and inflammatory support benefits....

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Hawthorn Berries image

Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn berry is an antioxidant-rich berry known to support cardiovascular health and provide mood-boosting an...

Hibiscus image


Hibiscus is a red-hued flower used in many traditional medicine practices for hundreds of years. This vibrant f...

Holy Basil flower image

Holy Basil

Commonly known as tulsi, Holy basil is an aromatic, herbaceous plant in the Lamiaceae family and is native to I...

Horsetail plants


Horsetail is one of the oldest plants on the planet with its first record dating back more than 300 million yea...

japanese knotweed ingredient

Japanese Knotweed

Used across Asian medicine modalities for thousands of years, Japanese knotweed has traditionally been used to ...

Japanese Matcha Green Tea powder image

Japanese Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea has been an all-star tea choice for centuries and has been traditionally used in Japanese and ...

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Jujube Dates image

Jujube Date

Jujube date, also known as red or Chinese date, is a small round fruit featuring a variety of vitamins and mine...

L-Theanine plant image


L-theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves like matcha green tea. It’s best known for its calmin...

Lemon Peel fruit image

Lemon Peel

Lemon peel is the yellow outer layer of the lemon. Its antioxidant properties have a protective and detoxifying...

Lemon Verbena Ingredient

Lemon Verbena

Lemon verbena, also known as the “queen of aromatic herbs”, has a bright, slightly sweet, and herbaceous flavor...

Linden plant image


Used in European folk medicine for hundreds of years, linden has fragrant flowers and leaves that have been use...

Lion's Mane image

Lion's Mane

Lion's mane is a potent adaptogenic mushroom that has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. This l...

Lucuma fruit image


Lucuma is a Peruvian fruit hailed as “the gold of the Incas". This nutritious fruit is a rich source of antioxi...

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Image of MCT Oil in powder


MCTs or medium-chain triglycerides, are a form of saturated fatty acids derived from coconut. MCT oil has been ...

Maca Root image

Maca Root

Maca is an adaptogenic root with a mildly sweet and nutty flavor. This ancient root is so powerful that Incan w...

Image with Marshmallow Roots

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is a demulcent herb, meaning it helps coat and soothe mucus membranes with its gooey consisten...

milk thistle ingredient

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is an herb originally from the Mediterranean. Its seeds have been traditionally used for the liver...

Monk Fruit image

Monk Fruit

Monk fruit, known in China as Luo Han Guo, has been cultivated for almost 1,000 years but has only gained popul...

image of Moringa plant


Moringa, also known as the drumstick tree or horseradish tree, is a small tree native to tropical Asia and Indi...

Image of an Motherwort plant


A nervine in the mint family, motherwort helps nourish and strengthen the nervous system and helps ease feeling...

Mucuna seeds


Mucuna pruriens, also known as Velvet Bean, is a tropical legume native to Africa and tropical Asia. It contain...

Nettle Leaf image

Nettle Leaf

Nettle leaf has been used in traditional herbal medicine for centuries. Its leaves were often used in soups to ...

Oats grains


One of the most popular grains in the world, oats are cereal-like grains used in a variety of medicinal ways. T...

Oatstraws image


Oatstraw is a gentle and nutritious nervine herb. It comes from the same plant as the common oat. While the mat...

Orange fruit image


A popular citrus fruit known around the world, oranges have been prized in traditional medicine modalities for ...

oregon grape root

Oregon Grape Root

Derived from the Mahonia aquifolium plant, is a perennial herb in the Berberidaceae family and native to the Pa...

Find me in:Blue Burn™
Passionflower image


Passionflower is a beautiful climbing vine native to the Americas. For centuries, passionflower has been used a...

Pea Protein image

Pea Protein

Pea protein is a popular plant-based source of protein made from drying yellow split peas and grinding them up ...

Image of a Peppermint plant


Peppermint is one of the most well-known members of the mint family. This refreshing herb is rich in oils, vita...

Raw Cacao image

Raw Cacao

A popular bean from the topics, cacao is the rawest form of chocolate and can help improve memory, boost mood, ...

red asian ginseng

Red Asian Ginseng

Red Asian ginseng is a potent, energizing adaptogen that has long been studied for its properties supporting me...

Reishi Mushroom image

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi aka “the queen healer” is a powerful mushroom that has been long used in foods and drinks to help reduce...

Rose (Rosa damascena) flower image

Rose (Rosa damascena)

For hundreds of years, rose has been revered for its beauty, fragrance, and invocations of the heart. Roses hav...

Image with 2 Rosehip fruits


Rosehip is the berry that grows on the rose plant. This berry has been used for centuries in tincture, jellies,...

Schisandra Berry image

Schisandra Berry

Schisandra is one of the few adaptogens that is not a mushroom or a root–but a superfood berry. According to tr...

Image of a branch full of Sea Buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn

A deciduous shrub from Europe, sea buckthorn is a small orange berry known as the “holy fruit of the Himalayas”...

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Shatavari roots image


A popular root commonly used in Ayurveda, shatavari is translated from Sanskrit and means a woman with a hundre...

Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero) roots image

Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero)

Ginseng is a warm and sweet adaptogenic root and immunity tonic. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ginseng...

Skullcap flower image


A member of the mint family, the leaves and flowers from skullcap have been used by Native American tribes for ...

Spearmint ingredient image


Spearmint, a cousin to the peppermint plant, this refreshing herb has been used since 1800 BC in ancient Babylo...

spirulina ingredient


A blue-green algae found in alkaline lakes and ponds around the world, spirulina is considered one of the most ...

Tart Cherry fruit image

Tart Cherry

Tart cherries are a variety of sour cherries native to Central Europe. Studies have shown the positive impacts ...

Tocotrienols (Tocos) plant image

Tocotrienols (Tocos)

Originating from rice bran solubles, tocos is a bioavailable source of vitamin E that helps strengthen the skin...

tremella mushroom

Tremella Mushroom

Tremella, also known as “snow ear” is an edible, medicinal mushroom used in traditional Chinese and Japanese me...

Triphala seed image


Triphala is a combination of three fruits (haritaki, bibhitaki and amalaki) and has been used for centuries to ...

Turmeric image


Turmeric is a favorite in Ayurvedic medicine and can be seen in many Indian dishes. Turmeric is rich in curcumi...

White Mulberries image

White Mulberries

White mulberries, commonly known as the silk mulberry, are berries indigenous to northern China. Their antioxid...

Yuzu fruit

Yuzu fruit

Yuzu is an aromatic citrus fruit commonly found in Japan, China, and Korea. Yuzu is famous for its antioxidant ...

zinc image


Zinc is an essential nutrient involved in many bodily functions including building proteins and supporting gene...